
Inheritance: Element -> NavigableElement -> VisualElement -> View Xamarin.Forms documentation: Slider API / Guide

For details on how the control actually works, please refer to the Xamarin.Forms documentation.



Slider(min: float, max: float, value: float, onValueChanged: float -> ‘msg)

Define a Slider widget with the min-max bounds and the current value



maximumTrackColor(light: FabColor, ?dark: FabColor)

Sets the color of the maximum track depending if light or dark mode

minimumTrackColor(light: FabColor, ?dark: FabColor)

Sets the color of the minimum track depending if light or dark mode

thumbColor(light: FabColor, ?dark: FabColor)

Sets the color of the thumb

thumbImage(light: ImageSource, ?dark: ImageSource)

Sets the image of the thumb using ImageSource depending if light or dark mode

thumbImage(light: string, ?dark: string)

Sets the image of the thumb using a path depending if light or dark mode

thumbImage(light: Uri, ?dark: Uri)

Sets the image of the thumb using a URI depending if light or dark mode

thumbImage(light: Stream, ?dark: Stream)

Sets the image of the thumb using Stream depending if light or dark mode

reference(value: ViewRef<Slider>)

Sets a ViewRef instance to retrieve the Xamarin.Forms.Slider instance associated to this widget



onDragCompleted(onDragCompleted: ‘msg)

Sets the event handler for the drag completed event

onDragStarted(onDragStarted: ‘msg)

Sets the event handler for the drag start event


Slider(20., 80., model.Value, ValueChangedMsg)
    .maximumTrackColor(Color.Red.ToFabColor(), dark = Color.Blue.ToString()) 
    .minimumTrackColor(Color.Red.ToFabColor(), dark = Color.Blue.ToString())  
    .thumbColor(Color.Red.ToFabColor(), dark = Color.Blue.ToString())  
    .thumbImage("thumb-light.png", dark = "thumb-dark.png")

Get access to the underlying Xamarin.Forms.Slider

let sliderRef = ViewRef<Slider>()

Slider(20., 80., model.Value, ValueChangedMsg)

Last updated