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Last updated
Properties | Description |
Properties | Description |
placement(value: PlacementMode)
Sets the Placement property.
horizontalOffset(value: double)
Sets the HorizontalOffset property.
verticalOffset(value: double)
Sets the VerticalOffset property.
placementAnchor(value: PopupAnchor)
Sets the PlacementAnchor property.
placementGravity(value: PopupGravity)
Sets the PlacementGravity property.
showMode(value: FlyoutShowMode)
Sets the ShowMode property.
overlayInputPassThroughElement(value: IInputElement)
Sets the OverlayInputPassThroughElement property.
placementConstraintAdjustment(value: PopupPositionerConstraintAdjustment)
Sets the PlacementConstraintAdjustment property.
onOpening(fn: 'msg)
Raised when the PopupFlyoutBase is opening.
onClosing(fn: CancelEventArgs -> 'msg)
Raised when the PopupFlyoutBase is closing.