
Inheritance: Interactive AvaloniaUI documentation: InputElement API



focusable(value: bool)

Sets the Focusable property.

isEnabled(value: bool)

Sets the IsEnabled property.

cursor(value: Cursor)

Sets the Cursor property.

isHitTestVisible(value: bool)

Sets the IsHitTestVisible property.

isTabStop(value: bool)

Sets the IsTabStop property.

tabIndex(value: int)

Sets the TabIndex property.



onGotFocus(fn: GotFocusEventArgs -> 'msg)

Raised when control receives focus.

onLostFocus(fn: RoutedEventArgs -> 'msg)

Raised when control loses focus.

onKeyDown(fn: KeyEventArgs -> 'msg)

Raised when a key is pressed while the control has focus.

onKeyUp(fn: KeyEventArgs -> 'msg)

Raised when a key is released while the control has focus.

onTextInput(fn: TextInputEventArgs -> 'msg)

Raised when a user typed some text while the control has focus.

onTextInputMethodClientRequested(fn: TextInputMethodClientRequestedEventArgs -> 'msg)

Raised when an input element gains input focus and input method is looking for the corresponding client.

onPointerEntered(fn: PointerEventArgs -> 'msg)

Raised when pointer enters the control.

onPointerExited(fn: PointerEventArgs -> 'msg)

Raised when pointer leaves the control.

onPointerMoved(fn: PointerEventArgs -> 'msg)

Raised when pointer moves over the control.

onPointerPressed(fn: PointerPressedEventArgs -> 'msg)

Raised when the pointer is pressed over the control.

onPointerReleased(fn: PointerReleasedEventArgs -> 'msg)

Raised when the pointer is released over the control.

onPointerCaptureLost(fn: PointerCaptureLostEventArgs -> 'msg)

Raised when the control or its child control loses the pointer capture for any reason event will not be triggered for a parent control if capture was transferred to another child of that parent control.

onPointerWheelChanged(fn: PointerWheelEventArgs -> 'msg)

Raised when the pointer wheel changes.

onTapped(fn: RoutedEventArgs -> 'msg)

Raised when a tap gesture occurs on the control.

onHolding(fn: HoldingRoutedEventArgs -> 'msg)

Raised when a holding gesture occurs on the control.

onDoubleTapped(fn: RoutedEventArgs -> 'msg)

Raised when a double-tap gesture occurs on the control.

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