
Inheritance: Element -> NavigableElement -> VisualElement -> View -> Layout -> TemplatedView Xamarin.Forms documentation: RadioButton API / Guide

For details on how the control actually works, please refer to the Xamarin.Forms documentation.



RadioButton(isChecked: bool, onChecked: bool -> ‘msg)

Define a default RadioButton widget with the checked state

RadioButton(content: string, isChecked: bool, onChecked: bool -> ‘msg)

Define a RadioButton widget with a text and the checked state



borderColor(light: FabColor, ?dark: FabColor)

Sets the border color depending if light or dark mode

groupName(value: string)

Sets the group name

borderWidth(value: float)

Sets the border width

characterSpacing(spacing: float)

Sets the character spacing

cornerRadius(value: float)

Sets the corner radius

font(?size: float, ?namedSize: NamedSize, ?attributes: FontAttributes, ?fontFamily: string)

Sets the font

textColor(light: FabColor, ?dark: FabColor)

Sets the text color

textTransform(value: TextTransform)

Sets the transformation for the text

reference(value: ViewRef<RadioButton>)

Sets a ViewRef instance to retrieve the Xamarin.Forms.RadioButton instance associated to this widget


RadioButton(model.IsChecked, CheckedChangedMsg)
    .progressColor(Color.Red.ToFabColor(), dark = Color.Blue.ToFabColor())
    .borderColor(Color.Red.ToFabColor(), dark = Color.Blue.ToFabColor())  
RadioButton("Cat", model.IsChecked, CheckedChangedMsg)
    .font(namedSize = NamedSize.Large, fontFamily = "Arial", attributes = FontAttributes.Bold)
    .textColor(Color.Red.ToFabColor(), dark = Color.Blue.ToFabColor()) 

Get access to the underlying Xamarin.Forms.RadioButton #

let radioButtonRef = ViewRef<RadioButton>()

RadioButton(model.IsChecked, CheckedChangedMsg)

Last updated