Inheritance: Element -> NavigableElement -> VisualElement Xamarin.Forms documentation: InputView API
This control can’t be instantiated on its own. Its properties and events are inherited by its descendants.
Properties | Description |
characterSpacing(value: float) | Sets a value that indicates the number of device-independent units that should be in between characters in the text displayed by the Entry. Applies to Text and Placeholder. |
isReadOnly(value: bool) | Sets a value that indicates whether the user can edit the text in the entry. |
isSpellCheckEnabled(value: bool) | Sets a value that indicates whether the text in the entry is to be spell-checked. |
maxLength(value: int) | Sets a value that indicates the maximum number of characters that can be entered in the entry. |
placeholder(value: string) | Sets a value that indicates the placeholder text to display when the entry is empty. |
placeholderColor(light: FabColor, ?dark: FabColor) | Sets a value that indicates the color of the placeholder text depending if light or dark mode. |
textColor(light: FabColor, ?dark: FabColor) | Sets a value that indicates the color of the text in the entry depending if light or dark mode. |
keyboard(value: Keyboard) | Sets a value that indicates the keyboard to use when the entry is focused. |
textTransform(value: TextTransform) | Sets a value that indicates how the text in the entry is to be transformed. i.e. Lowercase, Uppercase, None. |
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