Encapsulates a Avalonia application.
Inheritance: AvaloniaObject AvaloniaUI documentation: Application API
DesktopApplication(window: WidgetBuilder<'msg, #IFabWindow>)
Creates a DesktopApplication widget with a content widget.
SingleViewApplication(view: WidgetBuilder<'msg, #IFabControl>)
Creates a SingleViewApplication widget with a content widget.
name(value: string)
Sets the applications name.
Sets the application debug overlays.
isSystemBarVisible(value: bool)
Sets the application system bar visibility.
displayEdgeToEdge(value: bool)
Sets the application display edge to edge.
systemBarColor(value: Color)
Sets the application system bar color.
reference(value: ViewRef<FabApplication>)
Sets a ViewRef
instance to retrieve the Avalonia.Application
instance associated to this widget
onThemeVariantChanged(value: ThemeVariant, fn: ThemeVariant -> 'msg)
Raised when the theme variant changes and
sets the application theme variant.
onThemeVariantChanged(fn: ThemeVariant -> 'msg)
Raised when the application theme variant changed event.
onResourcesChanged(fn: ResourcesChangedEventArgs -> 'msg)
Raised when the resources change.
onUrlsOpened(fn: UrlOpenedEventArgs -> 'msg)
Raised when the application receives urls to open.
onColorValuesChanged(fn: PlatformColorValues -> 'msg)
Raised when current system color values are changed. Including changing of a dark mode and accent colors.
onSafeAreaChanged(fn: Platform.SafeAreaChangedArgs -> 'msg)
Raised when the safe area is changed.
Get access to the underlying Application
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